Mountain Board Parts Help With New Snowboarding Setup?

Help with new snowboarding setup? - mountain board parts

I started snowboarding last year and only gave my friends, on board throughout the season, Lamar. Well, I am my own setup (board, bindings and boots) in the search for something under $ 700 for the entire configuration. at 5'8'', 160 pounds and want a good all-mountain board, and I would like to double as a board. Ive watched Burton especially when I heard many good things about him. I thought perhaps a 156 elite cartel Burton bindings and boots so idk, maybe Shaun White. I would be riding and a small park in any case, my question is whether someone is a part of the installation or if they recommended and what are some other brands do you recommend?


britt_91... said...

I have almost exactly the answer to another person who asked the same question, but no less relevant ...

You should have a board that is found in accordance with their weight (most often overlooked factor in the election of the board of directors) and height (the factor most unequal in the choice of a session). And remember, frankly, it takes time to focus on this type of advice you want and what you feel, do not settle with the type of behavior, which speaks mainly in context. But it's ok to break the rules! The fact that the Council can not be "desirable" for someone his size does not mean you do not! Jibbers Many of the forums to use that just for them and are not intended for the weight, but as they are mainly urban assault, whatever! The advice to get hammered regardless. And many others get to a board that is too big "for her because she be able to get more speed, and can the increasing difficulties as twist-grip. But I digress ...

Is the first thing you need to do, chooseBoots and bindings. Since these measures are on the legs are not sold on the stuff, if your feet are not satisfied, you will also. Find something that is good, comfort and style, and then the boots and bindings with you! SOOO many people progress on the contrary! You can find a board for whatever reason they like and then try it with the rest of the installation. Once your boots and bindings, you can easily know if you are a council of a particular company or not. You see, when you drag your feet, so

Well, the brand ... Sorry, I can not get on board with an introduction from Burton. If you have a good technique for their advice and they have (some big names in the industry and yes, some of the rest of the team is very good I have a Burton jacket and gloves, so no, I'm a flat out haters. ), however, for two reasons not to buy a Burton board. 1. The three-hole course is probably the worst in the industry. A good set-up is the best option for personal CUStomization. (For all fans of 3 holes, do the math, and has 4 holes, 18 times the number of positions / options wide!) 2. They are terribly expensive, because his name popularity (among other reasons.) Brands that we recommend are, Rome, Capita, Ride, K2 and some other selected individual counseling. Here are the links
Find out what they offer to find something you like and go take a look at your local store. And especially when one of its local stores to keep demo day! It is always better if you can try before you buy!

And if you still undecided well after all, agent Rome (Transworld Snowboarding Wood increasing since its inception) Ride Ex or better connections (with the best bang for the buck in the period are the industry and no one is behind their product better and more links , in particular) and boots, which is on the foot and his style well Riding!

Hope that helps ...

timdvrs said...

Lib-Tech. and GNU are the two best brands of boards on the market today. Be sure to buy and use a headset.

kolin g said...

Meetings of young people, blood of the Board, the river links, DC Judge boots That's about $ 600

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