Bird Flu More Condition_symptoms What Bothers You More, The Growing Problem Of Antibiotic Resistance Or The Bird Flu And Why?

What bothers you more, the growing problem of antibiotic resistance or the bird flu and why? - bird flu more condition_symptoms

heard about the bird flu, but no one seems to know or the fact that bacteria such as staphylococcus and tuberculosis are increasing, and some are not even affected by our more troubled antibiotics.
But on the other side of the epidemic of bird flu could be a great thing and kill potentially thousands of people.

I had this issue before and had only 2 replies .... What is your opinion?


erinmoo5... said...

I am more concerned about resistance to antibiotics. Today, said on television that we are in an epidemic, whereas only a few people got the disease (in this case) avian flu. This is something real, such as epidemics (flu, and others) that we (in our history in 1900!) The bird flu will eventually disappear, like almost everything they predict. However, we always had the need for antibiotics, and from this point we have to be refined ... Then we realized that adapt the bacteria. This means that we are fighting for a way to save the same things forever. When the seeds in a mutated form of the ineffective antibiotics (in the morning, and science would have shown it can mutate quickly and without prior notice) in our world would end in a state of chaos. It would be like antibiotics, before we had, only the strongest germs and billions of people are wondering, why can not always be cured. It is a scary thought.

B C said...

Antibiotic resistance is all the more worrying since many common infections, the life, or rather because of the medical profession should take high-quality low-antibiotics and keep it not so people.In less distant past, antibiotics have worked so well done. I need to use a magic wand, so to speak, until it is absolutely necessary.

kwanyin_... said...

The resistance to antibiotics.

One can not escape from triclosan in these days, and it makes me crazy to see it used in many places. People do not understand that if you kill 99% of the bacteria, you are stronger than 1% for reproduction. It is like forcing evolutionary change. And tin, aluminum-hat part of me wondered if pharmaceutical companies turn their eyes, because after all, earn more money.

morpheus said...

retarded monkey

Attempts to veto or ban Ceel Reserch Stemm

now thats whats bothering me:)

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