Disposable Straight Razor Guys - Would You Consider Switching To A Straight Razor?

Guys - would you consider switching to a straight razor? - disposable straight razor

But the movement toward "green", this little switch could eliminate many of the more than two billion disposable razors that are discarded each year. That is a lot of Placticamos (petroleum based) and steel to nothing if you ask me.

I went from razor blades two years ago, and not for green reasons, but because I thought it would be cool. The change was pretty easy (some, but the practice) is not so hard, and I like the result. You get really cares a lot more comfortable shave.

It was recently that I realized that I did not buy disposable razors or cartridges, and there was no attempt to help the environment. I have a knife, was my grandfather, grandmother. With proper care and maintenance, shaving, my little son, as she has done for me. Now it's organic and very innovative at the same time.

Ladies, I could too, but the double-edged sword user will probably be easier for legs and shoulders.


Dr Jello - I Drive a Truck said...

Why on earth? Imagine how much energy is engraved mass compared to small pieces of iron used in a way. I bet you can make life a disposable razor in the steel industry, the Shaver you in your!

joecool1... said...

I thought after reading about the man, "without prejudice" to go to do the same. I do not shave more often, and disposable razors last me, and whenever I class in which only gets mad.

If I decide I want to find a used one, that still in good shape. In this way, it would produce new resources.

Lurker AJ said...


I simply cut and my hands have never been stronger. However, I have removed thousands of knives and disposable products for 20 years to grow a beard I have ever been.

I saw the razors directly into the museum, which makes only a small part of the bank. Some might consider them to draw back.

Professo... said...

How awesome idea.
I wish more people would be of little ideas to think like this, that the vast quantities of waste that we could take to eliminate.

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