Asbergers Can A Person Recognize Asbergers In Themselves?

Can a person recognize Asbergers in themselves? - asbergers

I have many symptoms, and I am convinced that I have, but I do not want to see a doctor about this report that I'm right to go. Is it possible for a person who Asberg that without realizing diagnosed?


Nicole said...

Despite all that the other poster said, * exactly * the symptoms defined - as in medical terminology is. There is only a list of symptoms, and some questionnaires. Most people think they have much more on the condition that most psychiatrists, and often end up raising their doc about this before he said: "Knowledge Yes, I have."
Read more help, check out the forum and if you still believe * and * that you use to see a psychiatrist specializing in this would.

nmnf_43 said...

No, this can only be a professional diagnosis. And I certainly explains a lot about how I am, but I could not diagnose. You can tell if you have symptoms, but that's not the problem. It takes years of education to establish sufficient conditions to make an accurate diagnosis.

Golden Ivy said...

Yes you can, Asperger's Syndrome is a much milder form of autism often know the person they have it.

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